Our Mission: to assist Irish farmers to achieve maximum success and prosperity by providing them with scientifically-based soil nutrient management solutions.
Our Intelligent Farming Approach: to lower agricultural production cost, to optimize yields, to protect farm land, and to maximize grower’s profit by employing state-of-the-art precision agriculture technologies.
Contact us:
e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com ; phone: 087-415-1843 or 085-240-7668.

About Us

Gorey, Wexford, Ireland

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FREE Smart Farmer Tea Get - Together!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
We are pleased to invite all Irish growers to our Smart Farmer Tea Get - Together!
This is our way to say "Thank You!" to all the producers around Ireland that are keeping Irish agricultural community alive! 

Our Smart Farmer Tea Get - Together is a fun way to meet other local producers, to share your farming experiences and obtain new contacts while enjoying freshly brewed tea or coffee and scrumptious biscuits! 
 It is a perfect opportunity to find out about simple and straight-forward ways to save serious money on fertilizer! Our precision agriculture experts will be available to answer any questions you may have about soil nutrient management!  

Everyone is welcome to attend! Bring your family and have a great time at our Smart Farmer Tea Get-Together!

For more information about locations and times, Please contact Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland: Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com

Why Intelligent Farming Approach Saves Growers Time And Money?

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
  • We are using state-of-the-art Precision Sensing technology that allows to: accurately estimate crops yield potential mid-season, identify crops nutritional status, and prescribe nutrient rates according to crops need for nutrients.
  • Because we feed the crop, not the soil, we: dramatically lower production cost, optimize yields, protect farm land, and maximize grower’s profit!
  • Can be used with any crop and any fertilizer source!
  • Applying the correct amounts of fertilizer at the right times and at the right rates greatly increases fertilizer use efficiency!
  • Beneficial for the environment, because it reduces the loss of fertilizer caused by runoff and leaching.
Intelligent Farming Program has been especially developed by Precision Ag Solutions to cater to all Irish farmers needs. We encourage all the producers to attend our Intelligent Farming Workshops and to learn how our Precision Agriculture experts can help you to dramatically cut input costs, maximize grain yields, and optimize profits while protecting the farm land.

Please, contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; or by phone: 087-415-1843, or 085-240-7668.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Are You Spending Too Much On Fertilizer?

Are You Spending Too Much On Fertilizer?
Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Thanks to state-of-the-art Precision Sensing Technology we can:
  • Predict crop's yield potential
  • Prescribe nutrient rates based on crops requirements.
Intelligent Farming Approach allows to:
  • dramatically decrease production cost,
  • optimize yields,
  • protect farm land, and
  • mazimize grower's profit!
Farmers worldwide save:
  • 75 to 375 euro per acre!
  • 15% of fertilizer cost!
Feed the Crop, NOT the Soil!
Cut the Input Cost, NOT the Yield!
Substantial savings PLUS increase fertilizer use efficiency!
Testimonies by farmers who benefited from the Intelligent Farming Approach are available!
 Please, contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; or by phone: 087-415-1843, or 085-240-7668.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Most Irish Farmers Spend Too Much On Fertilizer?

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Why Most Irish Farmers Spend Too Much On Fertilizer?
  • Fertilizer prices continue to increase
  • Fertilizer use efficiency is below 30%  
  • 70% of applied fertilizer is not used by crops; it is lost from the soil!
  • Yields vary dramatically (±15%) year to year.
  • Application of the same amount of fertilizer every year based on previously achieved yields means ignoring field-to- field and year- to- year variability costs Irish farmers €1000’s every year! 
Precision Ag Solutions have developed Intelligent Farming Program especially for Irish growers interested in making their farming operations more efficient and cost-effective. Attending our Intelligent Farming Workshop is a great opportunity to share your farming experiences with with other producers, and make contacts. But most importantly obtain valuable information on how to use your resources wisely and how to save significant amount of money on fertilizer and chemicals without compromising yields.Precision Agriculture offers fantastic opportunities to any crop producer who wants to be successful and prosperous even in tough financial times!
Please contact our Precision Agriculture specialists by email: soilmanager@hotmail.com, or by phone: 087-415-1843, 085-240-7668.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cut The Cost, Not The Yield!!!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Irish farming community is facing difficult challenges. The rising input costs coupled with virtually static prices mean that dramatic changes must be made in the next growing season, to ensure a margin for farmers! Irish Farmers Journal's (IFJ) Darragh Mullin underlined that while the input costs have risen by 40% since 2000, the prices stayed the same. With this in mind, many growers are questioning whether it even make sense to plant cereals for the next season... Calculating the input costs is absolutely vital in budgeting your farm operations!
Andy Doyle (IFJ) challenged farmers to answer these questions in order to make their budget more realistic: 1. Farmers were forced to cut their inputs year after year - can they still afford to do so without compromising grain yields? 2. Does the land really need all the fertilizer that is applied year after year? 3. Are some fields not worthwhile farming?
Precision Ag Solutions have clear answers to these questions!
1. Yes, farmers had to cut down on their input costs over the years. However, a farmer can make the right farm management decisions if he knows more about the land he farms (including soil fertility levels) and crop condition (plant stand and crop yield potential).
2. The question should be not whether the land needs the applied fertilizer, but rather - whether the crop needs it! We do not have the luxury, nor are reckless enough, to feed the soil, rather then the crop!
3. We believe that all the fields are worthwhile farming, as long as it is done efficiently, and management decisions are made on field-by-field basis!

Presicion Ag Solutions have the technology and the expertise to help farmers make more efficient farm management decisions! We are dedicated to support Irish farming community whether producers are in need of professional advise, or training!
Whether the growers need to decrease their input costs (fertilizer, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators, fuel, time, labor), or they wish to minimize the impact of their farm operations on the environment (fertilizer run-off, leaching, volatilization), or they want to increase the efficiency of applied nutrients and chemicals, Precision Ag Solutions have the technology and experience to provide a practical, fast and inexpensive solution to any and all of these challenges!
Intelligent Farming Program has been especially developed by Precision Ag Solutions to cater to all Irish farmers needs. We encourage all the producers to attend our Intelligent Farming Workshops and to learn how our Precision Agriculture experts can help you to dramatically cut input costs, maximize grain yields, and optimize profits while protecting the farm land.
Please, contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; or by phone: 087-415-1843, or 085-240-7668.

Free Consulting Service Offered!!!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry And Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Central Statistics Office reported a total annual farm income of 2,312 million euro in 2008. With a total of 128,300 farms in Ireland, this means that average annual income per farm was miserable 18,000 euro. With the end of REPS and continuously increasing prices of fuel, fertilizers, and chemicals, the input costs for Irish farmers are extremely high. But we at Precision Ag Solutions have the technologies and expertize to help farmers manage their land more efficiently! We are committed to provide information and services that would ensure dramatic decrease in input costs!
What is Intelligent Farming Workshop? It is a one-day workshop set-up in a discussion manner, that encourages interaction between the participants. It is a fun way to meet other local producers and crop consultants, to share your farming experiences and obtain new contacts. But most importantly, attending the workshop you will learn how to make more informed decisions about crop management. Our precision agriculture experts will explain how detailed soil nutrient management plans can be tailored to your farm. We will offer you several precision agriculture solutions for soil testing, farm mapping, which will allow you to create management zones. We will teach you how to create a highly efficient fertilization schedule based on your crop's need for nutrients. Irish farming community is ready for precision agriculture! At Intelligent Farming Workshop you will find out how to get the most out of your land and will learn how to produce a margin during these difficult financial times.
Great Offer: Refer a friend/colleague to participate in one of our workshops and get 25% off your Intelligent Farming Workshop fee!
Also, all Irish producers are encouraged to take advantage of our Free Advise service! Just e-mail or call us with any farming-related questions and our Precision Agriculture Experts will help you Free of charge! Time is money - We offer you our time and our expertise for Free!!!

Please contact us: Dr. Olga Walsh, telephone: 087-413-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Revolutionary Approach To Fertilizing Crops!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Coming soon: Intelligent Farming Workshops will be offered to Irish farmers nationwide!!!

It is NOT all doom and gloom in the Irish farming community!
Come and learn how to to make the most of your land and efforts by using your resources wisely.

The workshop will include a demonstration of revolutionary optical sensing technology successfully used by crop producers around the world. This award-winning precision agriculture tool is new to Ireland.

This technology has been voted "the best and the brightest developed throughout the world for the agricultural, food, and biological systems industries", and "the most revolutionary approach in a century to fertilizing crops".

For further information please contact:

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Dr. Olga Walsh; tel: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Nutrient Management Plans for Your Farm!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Sustainable Agriculture Specialist will help to:
  • Lower Production Costs
  • Optimize Yields
  • Protect Land
  • Maximize Profits
Over 5 years of international experience!
Revolutionary, scientifically proven sensing technology used to build Nutrient Management Plans tailored to your farm!!!
Contact: Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland, Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Keeping Irish Farming Community Alive

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Irish farmers are the foundation of Irish culture, economy. They are they once putting bread and milk on our table. And yet they are struggling to feed their families. This year, Irish farmer's income has fallen to shameful 13,000 euro, reflecting a 30% collapse since 1973...Outrageous situation Irish farmers find themselves in - whose fault is it? Is global economy at fault? Is it government's fault? Or maybe the farmers themselves? After all, they chose to farm at their own will, and no matter how difficult the times get, they refuse to give up and keep on working and working taking care of their land, their animals, their fellow farmers across the country...These EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE keep Irish farming community alive!
Farming and food sectors represent 1/3 of total Irish foreign earnings and more than half of total Irish exports. And yet the farmers are in constant battle to maintain decent living.

Many things and entities can be blamed for this dire situation, but we at Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland want to let all Irish farmers know that there is hope!

Any agricultural producer in need of professional advise and support - we are here for you! Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com, or by phone: 087-514-1843, or 085-240-7668. We are dedicated to serving Irish farmers, providing them with up-to-date information and training. Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland is a family-owned business based in Gorey, Co. Wexford. We are specialists in Precision Agriculture, we have the expertise and over 5 years experience working with farmers in many countries around the world. Our Intelligent Farming Program has been especially developed by our Precision Agriculture specialists to assist Irish farmers to manage their land better, to dramatically decrease their input costs, save thousands of euro annually on fertilizers and chemicals, maximising their yields and increase profits. In these difficult times, we urge farmers to consider educating themselves about many simple and cost-effective ways to make their operations much more efficient and profitable. Our Intelligent Farming Workshops will save you thousands of euro in the next growing season! - just contact us and we will show you how scientifically-based and tried out Precision Agriculture tools and methods can help you to work towards your prosperity! We have the technology that will make you successful - give us a chance and you will not regret it!

To contact Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland, please e-mail Dr. Olga Walsh at soilmanager@hotmail.com, or call us : 087-415-1843, or 085-240-7668.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nitrogen Use Efficiency - Agronomy and Biotechnology

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Proper mineral nutrition is vital for realizing full yield potential of any crop. Irish producers are facing with challenges of identifying the best nitrogen fertilizer rates as well as the best time of fertilizer application. Currently, only 1/3 of all applied N is utilized by crops, while the other 2/3 are simply lost from the soil causing water pollution, posing danger to marine life, as well as human health. Apart from negative environmental impact, the loss of 2/3 of nitrogen ultimately represents the loss of 2/3 of money that crop producers spent on fertilizer.

Nitrogen use efficiency has 2 components, that are probably equally important:
  • The first component is to do with how efficient are nitrogen fertilizer management strategies employed by the producers. This component is dependent on whether the rate of applied fertilizer is appropriate for the crop grown - whether or not the rate is able to match crops need for nitrogen.
  • The second component is associated with the ability of the crop to uptake (absorb from the soil) and to utilize (convert absorbed nitrogen into yield) supplied nitrogen.
While significant advances has been achieved in identifying genes associated with higher nitrogen use efficiency in several crop (mainly wheat, corn, rice, and some horticultural crops), it will take years until highly nitrogen use efficient varieties are released for wide use among crop producers. It is natural to expect that these varieties will be considerably more expensive compared to those currently used by farmers. Thus, developing of highly nitrogen efficient crops has to be seen as a promising long-term goal.
Meanwhile, the importance of efficient agricultural practices and wise fertilization techniques must be considered as the main solution to increasing nitrogen use efficiency, and thus, cutting fertilizer inputs.
Precision Ag Solutions have developed Intelligent Farming Program especially for Irish growers interested in making their farming operations more efficient and cost-effective. Attending our Intelligent Farming Workshop is a great opportunity to share your farming experiences with with other producers, and make contacts. But most importantly obtain valuable information on how to use your resources wisely and how to save significant amount of money on fertilizer and chemicals without compromising yields.
Precision Agriculture offers fantastic opportunities to any crop producer who wants to be successful and prosperous even in tough financial times!
Please contact our Precision Agriculture specialists by email: soilmanager@hotmail.com, or by phone: 087-415-1843, 085-240-7668.

Challenges in Slurry Application to Winter Crops

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Two major challenges associated with slurry application to winter crops are: 1. Variability of nutrients present in the slurry. %N, %P, %K can vary dramatically between the loads.
2. Application of slurry in the fall results in extremely low nutrient use efficiency. Typical nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency is approximately 33%, meaning that almost 70% of all N applied to agricultural fields is not being utilized by the crops but being lost from the soil through run off, leaching, and volatilization. The "lost" nutrients end up in the lakes, rivers and oceans causing eutrophication, as well as in the atmosphere contributing to global warming.
What solutions can be offered to solve these problems? First of all, testing slurry for nutrient content prior to spreading is vital for estimating whether the applied amount of slurry provides adequate mineral nutrition to the developing crop. Also, while nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency is approximately 33% worldwide, nutrient use efficiency is significantly lower when slurry is used as a source compared to commercial fertilizers. A field study conducted in 2006 by research scientists fro Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences showed that 60% nitrogen use efficiency was achieved using ammonium nitrate compared to only 35% using pig slurry. While 38% phosphorus use efficiency was observed with calcium hydroxyl phosphate, only 6 to 9% phosphorus use efficiency was achieved with pig slurry.
Knowing the exact nutrient content of slurry and applying slurry at the appropriate rate and at the right time, can help to utilize slurry more efficiently even for winter crops.
How to determine the appropriate nutrient rate??? and what is the right time for fertilizer application???
Precision Ag Solutions encourage growers to attend Intelligent Farming Workshops! These one-day workshops are packed with valuable information that help farmers to make their farming operations more efficient. Our Precision Agriculture specialists will explain how detailed nutrient management plans can be created on field-by-field basis. The main aim of the workshops is to encourage discussion about challenges that growers are facing and to offer practical and inexpensive solutions to these challenges. Irish farming community is ready for Precision Agriculture! Farmers all over the world are using Precision Agriculture technologies to their advantage and our goal at Precision Ag Solutions is to deliver these technologies to Irish producers. We believe that --- Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture! ---This is why we are dedicated to serving Irish farmers and to help them achieve success and prosperity.
To find out more about our Intelligent Farming Program and Intelligent Farming Workshops, please contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; or by phone: 087-415-1843, 085-240-7668.

Can Input Costs Be Cut Without Compromising Yields?

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Irish farming community is facing difficult challenges. The rising input costs coupled with virtually static prices mean that dramatic changes must be made in the next growing season, to ensure a margin for farmers! Irish Farmers Journal's (IFJ) Darragh Mullin underlined that while the input costs have risen by 40% since 2000, the prices stayed the same. With this in mind, many growers are questioning whether it even make sense to plant cereals for the next season... Calculating the input costs is absolutely vital in budgeting your farm operations!
Andy Doyle (IFJ) challenged farmers to answer these questions in order to make their budget more realistic: 1. Farmers were forced to cut their inputs year after year - can they still afford to do so without compromising grain yields? 2. Does the land really need all the fertilizer that is applied year after year? 3. Are some fields not worthwhile farming?
Precision Ag Solutions have clear answers to these questions!
1. Yes, farmers had to cut down on their input costs over the years. However, a farmer can make the right farm management decisions if he knows more about the land he farms (including soil fertility levels) and crop condition (plant stand and crop yield potential).
2. The question should be not whether the land needs the applied fertilizer, but rather - whether the crop needs it! We do not have the luxury, nor are reckless enough, to feed the soil, rather then the crop!
3. We believe that all the fields are worthwhile farming, as long as it is done efficiently, and management decisions are made on field-by-field basis!

Presicion Ag Solutions have the technology and the expertize to help farmers make more efficient farm management decisions! We are dedicated to support Irish farming community whether producers are in need of professional advise, or training!
Whether the growers need to decrease their input costs (fertilizer, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators, fuel, time, labor), or they wish to minimize the impact of their farm operations on the environment (fertilizer run-off, leaching, volatilization), or they want to increase the efficiency of applied nutrients and chemicals, Precision Ag Solutions have the technology and experience to provide a practical, fast and inexpensive solution to any and all of these challenges!
Intelligent Farming Program has been especially developed by Precision Ag Solutions to cater to all Irish farmers needs. We encourage all the producers to attend our Intelligent Farming Workshops and to learn how our Precision Agriculture experts can help you to dramatically cut input costs, maximize grain yields, and optimize profits while protecting the farm land.
Please, contact us by e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; or by phone: 087-415-1843, or 085-240-7668.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Precision Agriculture Works!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Irish farming community is in urgent need of fast, inexpensive and efficient solutions to challenges they are facing every day. Precision Ag Solutions is here for all Irish producers to offer them expert advise on how to manage their agricultural operations more efficient. There are many ways to improve on farming techniques currently used in Ireland. For instance, the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use is approximately 30%! This means that over 70% of all fertilizer applied is not being used by the crop, but instead being lost from the plant-soil system. The main cause of nutrient loss in Ireland is leaching, the nutrients are washed out from the soil due to heavy and prolonged rainfalls. Attending one of our workshops will help producers to learn how to feed the crop, not the soil. Intelligent Farming Program has been especially developed to assist Irish producers who are looking for ways to become financially stable and who want to learn how to produce margin in these difficult financial times.
For those who are interested in attending our workshops or just in need of expert advise, please contact : Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Great Offer - Intelligent Farming Workshops!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry And Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Central Statistics Office reported a total annual farm income of 2,312 million euro in 2008. With a total of 128,300 farms in Ireland, this means that average annual income per farm was miserable 18,000 euro. With the end of REPS and continuously increasing prices of fuel, fertilizers, and chemicals, the input costs for Irish farmers are extremely high. But we at Precision Ag Solutions have the technologies and expertize to help farmers manage their land more efficiently! We are committed to provide information and services that would ensure dramatic decrease in input costs!
What is Intelligent Farming Workshop? It is a one-day workshop set-up in a discussion manner, that encourages interaction between the participants. It is a fun way to meet other local producers and crop consultants, to share your farming experiences and obtain new contacts. But most importantly, attending the workshop you will learn how to make more informed decisions about crop management. Our precision agriculture experts will explain how detailed soil nutrient management plans can be tailored to your farm. We will offer you several precision agriculture solutions for soil testing, farm mapping, which will allow you to create management zones. We will teach you how to create a highly efficient fertilization schedule based on your crop's need for nutrients. Irish farming community is ready for precision agriculture! At Intelligent Farming Workshop you will find out how to get the most out of your land and will learn how to produce a margin during these difficult financial times.
Great Offer: Refer a friend/colleague to participate in one of our workshops and get 25% off your Intelligent Farming Workshop fee!
Also, all Irish producers are encouraged to take advantage of our Free Advise service! Just e-mail or call us with any farming-related questions and our Precision Agriculture Experts will help you Free of charge! Time is money - We offer you our time and our expertise for Free!!!

Please contact us: Dr. Olga Walsh, telephone: 087-413-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Save Money with Intelligent Farming Program

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Intelligent Farming Workshops offered nationwide by Precision Ag Solutions are aimed to provide Irish agricultural producers with comprehensive information about how precision agriculture techniques can be used at heir farm. Producers will find out how to make their farming operations more effective, how to manage their land more efficiently. The workshops will outline Intelligent Farming Program created by our precision agriculture experts especially for Irish producers.
  • Do you want to know how much your crop will yield this year? Using patented scientifically-based optical sensing technology, our precision agriculture experts will provide you with an accurate yield potential prediction just a few months after sowing!
  • Do you want to know how much fertilizer your crop really needs? Do you want to save money on fertilizer application (on average 35 euro per hectare, or approximately 1,000 euro per average size farm of 30 hectares)? Our precision agriculture experts will use optical sensing technology and crop-specific software to determine the exact crop need for nitrogen!
  • Do you want to save up to 80% on chemicals, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators, while also saving your time and fuel? Our experts will help you do this by employing computerized real-time variable rate applicator!
  • Do you want to know the exact boundaries of high-yielding/problem areas within your field? We will create high-quality GPS-based vegetation maps using optical sensing technology.
For more information about Intelligent Farming Workshops and how to take part in our Intelligent Farming Program please contact Precision Ag Solutions, Dr. Olga Walsh, telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com;

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Precision Agriculture Solutions - Ireland

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Low production costs + Optimum yields + Protected land + Maximized profits = Future of Irish Agriculture.

Precision Ag Solutions:
Who we are: Precision Agriculture specialists
Precision Agriculture:

  • Also called Site-Specific Farming
  • Enables to manage spatial (field to field, and within field) and temporal (year to year) variability in agricultural production
  • Improves crop performance and environmental quality

Our Mission: To assist Irish farmers to achieve maximum success and prosperity by providing them with scientifically-based soil nutrient management solutions.

Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Plant Mineral Nutrition, Environmental Quality.

Experience: Over 5 years working with agricultural producers worldwide.


  • Optical Sensor-Based Precision Yield Potential Prediction
  • Optical Sensor-Based Precision Fertilizer Application (Nitrogen)
  • Optical Sensor -Based Precision Chemical Application (Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides)
  • GPS-based Vegetation Mapping (georeferencing NDVI data, real-time swath maps)
  • Laboratory (Sampling and Analysis; soil, grain, forage, water)
  • Training and Workshops (Intelligent Farming Program, Precision Nutrient Management)
  • Precision Agriculture Dealers (Equipment and Machinery)

Contact: Dr. Olga Walsh, telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com; web: www.PrecisionAgIreland.com.

Making Money From Cereal Production In Ireland

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

To produce a margin next year, many Irish farmers must reduce their production costs. It has been pronounced at Teagasc Tillage Forum that the low price trend will continue in to 2010 growing season. Therefore, the farming community must find the way to become more efficient and use their resources wisely. Several Teagasc researchers has been recommending to till only the best farm land and leave the poorer land idle, because it is not worth while... We disagree! If you know how to manage different types of land effectively, you will be able to produce a margin even utilizing poorer land. For example, the poorer land is deemed not productive because of the blanket application of fertilizer and other chemicals. This means that the farmers are using the same fertilizer and chemical strategies for their best and their poorest fields. The current fertilizer recommendations must be revised if the farmers are to make money by growing cereals in Ireland. Traditional farming techniques are not working, and not going to work, at the times of such high margin pressure! All Irish crop growers and agricultural consultants are urged to attend our Intelligent Farming Workshops. These workshops are carried out in a discussion format, and aimed at educating producers nationwide about ways to become more productive and efficient in their agricultural enterprises. Our Precision Agriculture Experts will offer you valuable information, advise and training in scientifically-based, tried-out and simple ways to dramatically decrease agricultural inputs including fertilizer and chemical application. Accounting for field-to field and within-the-field variation, as well as year-to-year variation in agricultural production helps to maximize profits by managing farming resources more efficiently. This is why Precision Agriculture is also referred to as Site-Specific Farming. Attending our Intelligent Farming Workshops and taking part in our Intelligent Farming Program will help you to become financially stable and make the most of your efforts! irish producers - Stop Wasting The Money You Do Not Have!
For more information, please contact: Dr. Olga Walsh, telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Irish Farmers - Take Care of Yourselves!

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - Thant's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture! 
As it has been noted at the last Teagasc Cereal Conference at Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Irish farmers observed very low yields, worst grain quality and lowest prices since 1976...While the outputs have fallen from 2.3 million tonnes in 2008 to alarming 1.6 million tonnes this year, many agree that the key problem is not the yield, but extremely high production costs. Traditional plough till and sow routine followed by complete herbicide and fungicide treatments is not working at such low prices, as Matt Dempsey of Farm Journal recently noted. It is absolutely clear that "new thinking is needed in the tillage sector if it is to have a future in Ireland". However, we insist that new thinking alone will not bring prosperity to Irish farmers. ---Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!--- What producers must realise is that they must take care of themselves. Will the farming community get the same bailout deal as the banks? Certainly not. The best solution to stop worrying is to start acting!
Attending one of our Intelligent Farming Workshops might be the most important step you take this year to educate yourselves on crop production issues and to ensure you are taking full advantage of your resources. These workshops will help you to manage your land better and to make informed decisions concerning your production inputs. Our Precision Agriculture Experts will help you to make your farm more efficient and profitable! Take care of yourselves and your future!
For more information about Intelligent Farming Workshops organized by Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland, please contact: Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-2843; e-mail:

Precision Ag Ireland web-site

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture

New web-site- http://PrecisionAgIreland.com/ is going to be up and running very soon! It is going to be a portal for Irish agricultural producers and anyone interested in Precision Agriculture, also known as Site-Specific Farming. Precision Agriculture enables producers to successfully manage spatial (withing field, and field to field) and temporal (year to year) variability in agricultural production. It improves crop performance and environmental quality.

At PrecisionAgIreland.com we will provide the latest information about Precision Ag technologies and will offer Free Ag Advise - take advantage of this feature! Feel free to contact our Precision Ag Experts with any questions that you might have about agricultural issues and they will help free of charge. They say that time is money. We are offering our time and expertize for free!
Also all producers and agricultural consultants are encouraged to participate in our Intelligent Farming Workshops (the schedule is coming soon)! These workshops will be offered nationwide and will be aimed at discussing challenges that crop producers in Ireland face day to day. Attending the workshop will provide valuable information about how Precision Agriculture techniques can be used to help to overcome these challenges.

For more information about our Intelligent Farming Program and the workshops developed by Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland - Please contact: Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

End of REPS

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That' Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

In July 2009, Teagasc announced that the REPS 4 was closed to new applicants by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. What does it mean to the 62,000 farmers involved in the scheme? For the last 15 years, since the REPS program has been introduced in Ireland in 1994, many Irish farmers have been involved in the scheme. Over 50% of Irish agricultural producers have been involved in REPS and now the program has been cancelled due to limited funding. What does this mean for Irish farmers and for Irish environment?
The scheme has been developed to encourage environmental awareness and to minimize the negative impact of intensive agricultural practices on environmental quality. Since the REPS funds are being cut, does it mean that we should expect fast deterioration of environmental quality in Ireland in the near future? The fact is, many farmers in Ireland are struggling to make a reasonable income. So even realizing the importance of protecting environmentally-valuable land, they might be forces to utilize it in the future to support their living. Teagasc research funds are also being cut significantly.
What does the future hold for Irish agriculture? Should all the farmers just give up and stop farming? --- Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture! ---
Precision Ag Solutions mission is to assist Irish farmers to achieve their financial success and prosperity by providing them with scientifically-based soil nutrient management solutions. At Precision Ag Solutions we are employing state-of-the-art Precision Agriculture technologies. These technologies have been evaluated in various environmental conditions, with many different crops and soil types. Farmers that employed these Precision Agriculture techniques have been able to dramatically decrease their production costs, especially, due to more efficient fertilizer use.
Farmers are strongly encouraged to attend Intelligent Farming workshops, where they can learn to use their resources wisely and to grow high quality healthy crops with minimum input costs. Efficiency is the key to success!
For more information on Intelligent Farming workshops and services provided by Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland, please contact: Dr. Olga Walsh; Telephone: 087-415-1843; E-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Efficient Nutrient Management

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Precision Agriculture enables farmers to efficiently produce high quality agricultural products that comply with standards and environmental regulations. Precision Agriculture does not mean "complicated" or "expensive! Actually, not only Precision Ag technologies are becoming more and more user-friendly and affordable, but they also help producers to grow a healthy crop, increase yields, and protect their land while dramatically cutting their production costs. The necessity for proper crop nutrition is obvious to all producers. For most agricultural enterprises, nitrogen fertilizers represent up to 25% of total input costs. With fertilizer prices continuing to increase, it is absolutely vitals for growers to be able to use their fertilizer in the most efficient way.
Intelligent Farming Program has been specially created by Precision Ag Solutions to inform farmers about efficient nutrient management strategies. Intelligent Farming Program entails using state-of-the-art Precision Agriculture tools such as optical sensing. This scientifically-based technology has been successfully employed by farmers worldwide. Optical sensing allows to accurately estimate yield potential of the crop and to determine nitrogen fertilizer rate based on the crops need.
Crop producers in Ireland are ready for Precision Agriculture! Attending our Intelligent Farming workshops, Irish farmers will learn about fast, effective solutions to the great challenges they are facing.
For further information about Intelligent Farming Program, to book a workshop or to learn more about services that Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland are offering, please contact: Dr. Olga Walsh; Telephone: 087-415-1843; E-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Intelligent Farming Workshops

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland

Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!

Coming soon: Intelligent Farming Workshops will be offered to Irish farmers nationwide!!!

It is NOT all doom and gloom in the Irish farming community!
Come and learn how to to make the most of your land and efforts by using your resources wisely.

The workshop will include a demonstration of revolutionary optical sensing technology successfully used by crop producers around the world. This award-winning precision agriculture tool is new to Ireland.

This technology has been voted "the best and the brightest developed throughout the world for the agricultural, food, and biological systems industries", and "the most revolutionary approach in a century to fertilizing crops".

For further information please contact:
Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Dr. Olga Walsh; tel: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Precision Agriculture - Ireland

Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland
Hungry and Naked - That's Where We'd Be Without Agriculture!
Sustainable Agriculture Specialist will help to:
  • Lower Production Costs
  • Optimize Yields
  • Protect Land
  • Maximize Profits
Over 5 years of international experience!
Revolutionary, scientifically proven sensing technology used to build Nutrient Management Plans tailored to your farm!!!
Contact: Precision Ag Solutions - Ireland, Dr. Olga Walsh; telephone: 087-415-1843; e-mail: soilmanager@hotmail.com